ROCK BOTTOM 7のsiteへようこそ。
20年以上前からrockbottomのsiteを運用してましたが、2023年より新しくblog siteにしました。
My hobbies are fishing, playing guitar and swimming.
I’ve been running a rockbottom site for more than 20 years, but I’ve made it a new blog site in 2023.
Portrait… It’s similar.

平均寿命と健康寿命がありますが、男性の平均寿命が81歳、健康寿命は平均72歳と言われています。!? そんなに先の話ではないのでは…。気づいた瞬間から1日1日がもったいなくて、釣りとギターと水泳を精一杯楽しむように心がけてます。
There is an average life expectancy and a healthy life expectancy, but it is said that the average life expectancy for men is 81 years and the average healthy life expectancy is 72 years. I don’t think it’s that far in the future… From the moment I realized it, I was wasting every single day, and I tried to enjoy fishing, guitar, and swimming to the fullest.
What was I born for? Yes, to do what you want to do. If you are busy with your daily life, you will find yourself in a healthy life expectancy. It’s too sad if you can’t move as you want when you have free time. Time is equal for everyone. Right now, I’m still going to live at full throttle when I can.
When you’re fishing, why does time pass so quickly? If you’ve ever thought so, that’s all the answers, and you’re not there yet.